Headquarters of the Sisters of Providence
- 2012
Excellence Award of The Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC)
ABCP architecture has received over 100 national and international awards of excellence over the years. Notably, it has been awarded the Governor General's Medal in Architecture, Canada's highest architectural honour.
Excellence Award of The Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC)
Excellence Award of The Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC)
ABCP architecture, Nordic Structures + Douglas Consultants
Lauréat du Wood Design Awards – Woods Works, innovation dans l’utilisation du cèdre rouge canadien
Prix d’excellence CECOBOIS dans la catégorie Bâtiment institutionnel de plus de 600m²
LEED NC Argent Certification of the Canada Green Building Council
OAQ Excellence Award, Recycling category
Mérite d'architecture de la Ville de Québec - catégorie recyclage
LEED NE Or Certification of the Canada Green Building Council