Expansion of École Cardinal-Roy
Centre de services scolaire de la Capitale

Education, sports and leisure
Centre de services scolaire de la Capitale
Quebec (Québec) / Canada
18,12 M$
3 200 m² (agrandissement)
ABCP architecture et Régis Côté et associés (RCA)
This school, known for its sports-arts-study programs, will be expanded to accommodate an additional 400 students, mainly in the regular program, for a total of 1,200 students. The expansion will add 15 new classrooms/labs, a learning centre, faculty areas, social spaces, and administrative and service spaces.
The school is located in downtown Quebec City on a bend in the St. Charles River and is bordered on the east by Victoria Park, with its century-old trees, and the St. Charles River linear park on the west. The new spaces will provide a mix of urban and natural landscapes, as well as a variety of indoor and outdoor areas where the school’s various clienteles can meet and socialize. Bleacher stairs connect levels two and three and look out onto the river and the century-old trees of the nearby park. The project also includes asset maintenance work in the existing part of the school.
These new spaces are scheduled for occupancy in 2023.