News | ABCP ABCP : Liste de toutes les nouvelles les plus récentes fr-FR ABCP to build a new school in Lévis ABCP was chosen to build the new École Dorimène-Desjardins for the Centre de services scolaires des Navigateurs. The project involves designing a 12-classroom elementary school and developing the site to promote dynamic, inclusive learning. Named after the co-founder of the Desjardins Group, the school will be located near the Cité de la Coopération Desjardins (head office of the Group). The project will be carried out with our partners CIMA+ (engineering) and Nvira (... Two winning projects at the Cecobois Excellence Awards Gala! The Saint-Georges multisport complex (built in consortium with Bilodeau Baril Leeming Architectes and Marie-Lise Leclerc Architecte) and the skating rink at the Espace Philippe-Boucher in the municipality of St-Apollinaire won the sports building and outdoor infrastructure awards respectively. Congratulations to all those who contributed to the realization of these projects, which showcase the potential of wood in construction!   ... ABCP to build Montmagny sports complex! ABCP is delighted to have been commissioned by the Centre de services scolaires de la Côte-du-Sud to design Montmagny's new sports complex. Attached to the Louis-Jacques-Casault high school, this new, modern facility will include an eight-lane swimming pool with a leisure pool, as well as a gymnastics arena. Designed with an inclusive approach involving various regional organizations, this pavilion will promote physical activity and socialization for the entire community, both citizens an... ABCP and Projet Paysage tackle Université Laval's Petit Axe Our two firms are collaborating on the master plan for the redevelopment and enhancement of the Petit Axe on the Université Laval campus. This pedestrian link connects Pavillon Louis-Jacques-Casault to Pavillon Ferdinand-Vandry from east to west. Landscaping, street furniture and lighting will make this structuring link more user-friendly and functional.   Our two firms are collaborating on the master plan for the redevelopment and enhancement of the Petit Axe on the Universit&eacu... Merit Award for the skating rink in Saint-Apollinaire We are proud to announce that the skating rink at Espace Philippe-Boucher in Saint-Apollinaire has won a Merit Award at the 40th edition of the Canadian Wood Council's Wood Design & Building Awards. The list of winning projects is here: This covered and refrigerated ice rink is a multi-purpose facility offering a weather-protected surface for all 4 seasons. It features a hybrid (wood and steel) framed roof with glulam beams and decking, and V-shaped wood column... ABCP to build Carrefour Brian Mulroney at Université Laval ABCP has been selected by Université Laval to design the new pavilion that will house the École supérieure d'études internationales and organizations such as the Bureau International, the École des langues, the Bureau de vie étudiante and international studies student groups. Named the “Carrefour international Brian-Mulroney”, it is intended to honor the contribution of the former Canadian prime minister and graduate of Université Lava... Perséides school inauguration The new Perséides elementary school in Saint-Charles-de-Bellechasse was inaugurated on August 28th in the presence of the Minister of Education, Bernard Drainville, its directors and representatives of the architectural consortium ABCP and Onico. The 15-classroom school, composed of a series of prisms, is divided into two volumes linked by a central sunken space that becomes the heart of the school. A large, semi-open courtyard at the front of the building allows reception and assembly a... ABCP to work on Cégep de St-Félicien expansion! The aim of this mandate is to construct a new building that will be linked to the existing one by a footbridge. The new two-storey volume will improve teaching and reception of nursing clinic-school clients, reorganize various teaching and student life spaces, and add an auditorium.... People's choice award for the St-Georges complex! The project won the People's Choice Award at the gala evening on April 20. The Saint-Georges complex was one of 17 projects in the running for the Award of Excellence. The project was realized by ABCP in consortium with Marie-Lise Leclerc Architecte and Bilodeau Baril Leeming Architectes. It was carried out for the Centre de services scolaire de Beauce-Etchemin in collaboration with the Ville de saint-Georges and the engineering firms WSP, EXP and Tetra Tech. This is an exceptional achievement ... ABCP is hiring! ABCP offers you an exceptional working environment and professional development potential. See what we have to offer (in French) !... A new high school for ABCP and MSDL! ABCP and Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux Architectes will work together to build the new Sainte-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier high school for the Centre de services scolaires de la Capitale. The school will take the form of a 3-storey pavilion and will accommodate 32 groups and over 900 students. LEED certification is targeted. The new school will be located on land adjacent to the Explorateurs elementary school and the Anne-Hébert library, both built by ABCP architecture.... New clinic-school project for ABCP! ABCP will be working in consortium with Les Architectes Goulet&Lebel to design the new premises for the dental hygiene program at the Cégep de Matane. These will be housed in the existing Centre de recherche en intelligence numérique (CDRIN) building, adjacent to the Cégep. Our mandate is to create a school clinic: a learning environment offering the best conditions for students and teaching staff + a welcoming place where external clients can feel confident in receiving... ABCP+DLLS join forces to expand Collège Ahuntsic ABCP and Daoust Lestage Lizotte Stecker join forces to expand Collège Ahuntsic, founded in 1967.  The Collège is the largest French-language college on the island of Montreal, with an average enrolment of 9,000 students. The aim of the project is to increase the college's intake capacity and strengthen its academic and sports facilities.  The mandate, awarded by Société québécoise des infrastructures, includes the construction of a new 4-storey... A new large-scale project in Nunavik ABCP and Blouin Orzès architectes will work together to build 14 office-transit units and 200 housing units in 14 Nunavik communities. The mandate awarded by Kativik Ilisarniliriniq (Nunavik School Board) aims to provide a quality working and living environment for its staff, and to attract more teachers, technical and support personnel to Nunavik. The project will start shortly and run until 2027.Nunavik is not immune to the current housing crisis, which is having a negative impact on st... Two new municipal pool projects for ABCP! In Port-Cartier, ABCP and DMG architecture will collaborate on a project to expand, refurbish and upgrade the municipal swimming pool in the Port-Cartier recreational and cultural complex, and add a leisure pool. In Rouyn-Noranda, ABCP and Trame architecture et paysage will work together to build a municipal aquatic center, scheduled for completion in summer 2025. The new center will be close to the Cégep de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue and the Université du Québec.... Two new school projects for ABCP! ABCP has been commissioned by the Centre de services scolaire de la Capitale to carry out the preliminary design for the expansion of Des Explorateurs elementary school in Sainte-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier. In addition, ABCP and Leclerc architectes will build the new school in the Chaudière (Legendre) sector, in Sainte-Foy, for the Centre de services scolaire des Découvreurs. The 24-classroom elementary school will open its doors for the start of the 2026 school year and will... ABCP is hiring! ABCP is looking for architects and technicians to join its project teams on mandates of various scales: schools, sports centers, parks and engineering structures, university pavilions and laboratories, heritage buildings, head offices, workspaces, etc. Full details here: Letter of application and CV required. Don't miss this opportunity to put your creativity to work in a team working on exciting projects!... Saint-Georges sports complex inaugurated! The project to extend the polyvalente in Saint-Georges, built in 1974, involved adding 4 classrooms and several sports facilities, including a double gymnasium, a recreational pool and a 25-metre semi-Olympic pool with 10 corridors. Inspired by the modern architecture of the existing building, which consists of a basilaire with concrete walls and buttresses topped with metal sheeting, the new multi-sports complex will blend in by reinterpreting the stratification of the polyvalente's levels. A ... The Gare du Palais construction site is getting busy! In Quebec City, work has begun on the Gare du Palais. Phase 1, which is currently underway, includes the partial repair of the exterior masonry, the repair of the copper roofs, the replacement of the heritage wooden doors and windows, among others.Plans and specifications for the more extensive Phase 2 are currently being developed. This phase involves incorporating a new rainwater management system, replacing the metal heritage windows, restoring the exterior and interior masonry, the copper ro... New sports and school infrastructure projects for ABCP! ABCP will build the Victoria Park skating rink for the City of Quebec, a multi-sport complex for the City of Gaspé and the renovation of a school swimming pool. Integrated into Victoria Park, the refrigerated and covered skating rink will be usable throughout the year, as it will be used for other play areas once the winter season is over. It is being built in collaboration with the Blue White Red program of the Canadian Children's Foundation. The Gaspé sports complex will house ... A new project in Victoriaville! See French text.... The passerelle de la tortue honored once more! See French text... Two new health infrastructures for ABCP! ... Two new sport infrastructure! See French text.... Saint-Apollinaire's skating rink inaugurated! See French text.... Two new schools for ABCP See French text... ABCP team was in NYC for an educationnal experience! See French text.... Our projects do fine at the Gala des Grands prix du Desing! See French text.... Two architects join ABCP' management team See French.... An assistant for the accounting department wanted! See French text... Two ABCP teams achieved the 2022 Kilimanjoro Challenge! See French text.... On August 25th, the new Stadacona primary school was inaugurated. See French text.... The Grands prix du design contest has awarded certifications to many of our projects! See French text.... ABCP supports the Augustine's Relais de Compassion (Empathy Relay)! See French text.... The builing of the new skating rink of Saint-Apollinaire has started! See French text.... An iconic building soon converted in St-Romuald See French text.... Three of our designers are attending the Salone del Mobile in Milano See French text.... Dalhousie Event Centre: Here we go! See French text.... A new architect soon in our team! see French text.... Coralee Tremblay honored! see French text.... ABCP Award Ceremony see French text.... Good news from our Spring Olympiads ! see French text.... Coralee Tremblay's team is one of the winners of the 2022 AIA COTE Top Ten for Students Competition! see French text.... The enlargement of the 300 St-Paul street buildng is taking shape! See French text... Drummondville secondary school: construction work has started see French text... Our team welcomes 5 new members! see French text.... Visit at the building site of the future sports center of St-Georges! See French version.  ... The Passerelle de la Tortue honored! please see French version.... ABCP recruits! See French version.... A new ice rink soon in St-Apollinaire! see French news.... A start for ABCP in Nova-Scotia Please see French.... Multifunctional Aquatic Complex in Lévis, QC Coming soon... ABCP on the first page of Voir Vert Coming soon.... Lab-École of Quebec in construction Coming soon.... Nomination for the Cecobois Awards of Excellence Coming soon.... WELL certified architect Coming soon.... Coming soon. Coming soon.... Coming soon. Coming soon.... Soprema Drummondville LEED Silver certified! ABCP is proud to announce that the Soprema Canada polyisocyanurate plant in Drummondville is officially LEED® silver certified! For a few years now, we are pleased to work with this partner who shares concerns about sustainable development in his projects as much as in his products.  For more information on the project, go click on its picture under the ABCP architecture tab.   Project in collaboration with Dominique Blais Architecte Picture: Stéphane Groleau archit... Two new architects! ABCP architecture is proud to announce that we will have 2 new architects on our team. Congratulations to Mathieu Robitaille and Laurence St-Jean who passed EXAC, Examination for Architects in Canada. ... WELL accredited professional Great news! Our collegue Pascale Ouellet-Dompierre is now a WELL accredited professional. Based on the connection between architecture and its occupants, the WELL building standard is a commitment to the human health and well-being through the conception, construction, commissionning and living of the building and its interior spaces.  ... New administration and financial director We are pleased to announce the nomination of Rémi Caron as the new administration and financial director for ABCP architecture. As ABCP's controler since 2011, Rémi allowed us to maintain a sound financial management of our business. His new raised role will allow him to support us in our growth and to participate in the strategical orientations of the firm. Congratulations Rémi!  ... 5 ABCP team members promoted to lead architect To support its growth, ABCP Architecture is proud to announce the promotion of 5 members of the team. Marc-Antoine Bolduc, Marianick Côté, Marie-Louise Germain, Pascal Gobeil and Marie Ignaczak were recently named ABCP's lead architects. They will now be involved in corporate strategies and will participate in the management of the firm and its development. Congratulations on this nomination!... ABCP wins one of 12 RAIC National Urban Design Awards ABCP Architecture is proud to announce that the Place des Canotiers has won one of 12 National Urban Design Awards. This two-year Canadian program created by RAIC, the Canadian Institute of Planners and the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects showcases excellence in urban design and raises public awareness of the important role of urban design in sustainability and quality life in Canadian cities, in addition to recognizing the contributions of individuals, organizations, firms and projects... ABCP has won a Quebec City call for tenders for the development of the Ilôt Charlevoix urban site. ABCP architecture is pleased to announce that it has won the call for tenders from the City of Quebec with the real estate company Capwood for the realization of this new project that will soon take place in Old Quebec! "Located at the intersection of Charlevoix Street and Côte-du-Palais in the heart of Old Quebec, the QG Îlot Charlevoix will be unique in the neighborhood. The first floors will be reserved for businesses and services, while on the upper floors, it will include condo... Le Centre Jean-Daigle remporte un Prix du mérite dans la catégorie bâtiment commercial aux Prix d?excellence en design architectural des Maritimes. coming soon... Daoust Lestage + ABCP team wins an award at the Grands Prix du Design for the Place des Canotiers. Tuesday evening at the Grands Prix du Design gala, 11th edition, Daoust Lestage + ABCP team earned an Outstanding Mention for the Place des Canotiers. '' Great land reclamation operation in Quebec, (...) this project has made of an old parking lot a modern and diversified public place. (...) In addition to providing a convenient and elegant parking, topped with a green roof, the project has really breathed new life into this parcel of the city. " We are particularly proud of this achieveme... La campagne Centraide 2017 d'ABCP a permis de récolter un montant de plus de 8000$! Un grand merci à tous les donateurs! -... coming soon coming soon... ABCP selected in joint venture with Chevalier Morales among the finalists for the Gabrielle-Roy Library contest. On May 25th, the City of Québec announced the results of the first round in the selection of a team of architects for the creation of the new Gabrielle-Roy Library. Among the 4 finalists is the team of Chevalier Morales in joint venture with ABCP architecture, which will have the chance to participate to this important contest and whose next deadline is July. We would like to congratulate all finalist teams and wish good luck to all of them.... LE BOCAL by ABCP at the Reford Gardens. LE BOCAL by ABCP will inaugurate its landscape installation called Station Grand-Métis  on June 18 at the Reford Gardens.... coming soon coming soon... ABCP réalisera le centre aquatique de Saint-Nicolas en équipe avec BBL architectes ! ABCP réalisera le centre aquatique de Saint-Nicolas en équipe avec BBL architectes ! Un autre centre sportif que nous aurons la chance de concevoir après le Centre Vidéotron, le PEPS, le stade Telus, le Complexe de soccer Chauveau, l'Amphithéâtre de d'Edmundston et le Centre multisport de Lanaudière.... Three Quebec City's Architectural Merits for The Augustinian Monastery ! Congratulations to the Augustinian Monastery and to all the team who had the chance to work on this wonderful adventure ! We are particularly proud of the public's award. The competition was strong and it is proof that this project has succeeded in transforming this heritage jewel into a welcoming place, adopted by the citizens.   Click here to read the article in Le Soleil.    ... ABCP annonce l?acquisition d'Urbam Conseil Dorénavant sous l'appellation URBAM, la firme renforce l’expertise d’ABCP et consolide sa division d’urbanisme et de design urbain. L’équipe, réunie dans les bureaux du 300 St-Paul à Québec, regroupe ainsi plus de 40 professionnels offrant des services allant de l’urbanisme réglementaire jusqu’au design intérieur en passant par la planification urbaine et l’architecture. Cette acquisition permet à n... Vote for the Public Award of Quebec City's Architecture Awards! Vote here : Prix du public des Mérites d'architecture de la Ville de Québec ... Canada Governor General's Medal : ceremony at the Rideau Hall Congratulations to our client the Caisse Desjardins de Lévis, our partners and the entire team of ABCP Architecture + Anne Carrier architecture that allowed us to win the Governor General's Medal in Architecture! ... ABCP, proud sponsor of Alexis Dumas! ABCP architecture is a proud sponsor of the cross-country skier Alexis Dumas, a more than promising athlete ! You can now follow him with us on his new blog : Good luck for the new season Alexis!... The Augustinian Monastery : dedicated the best in the world by the National Geographic Recently opened in the heart of Old Quebec, Le Monastère des Augustines offers the serenity of a convent but with options for yoga and scrapbooking thrown in. The 65-room wellness retreat is partly housed in the restored cloister of the Augustinian Sisters, health care pioneers who founded here, in the 17th century, the first hospital in North American outside of Mexico. - National Geographic Traveler  ... ABCP now has a HQE certification referent among his associates Congratulations Dany !    ... The Headquarters of Caisse Desjardins de Lévis awarded of a 2016 Governor General's Medal in Architecture ! ... ABCP awards the scholarship "Best stance on urban design" to Véronique Barras-Fugère Every year since 2007, ABCP gives a scholarship to a graduate of the Master of Architecture degree at Laval University, for a project distinguishing itself particularly in urban design. This year the project of Véronique Barras - Fugère caught our attention. Congratulations Véronique ! ... The team selected for the new Edmundston Amphitheatre unveiled ! -   ... Vidéotron Center wins the 2015 Best in BIM Award at the CanBIM Awards !   « The construction of the Multifunctional Amphitheatre for the City of Quebec features a savings of $30M (7.5%), a high quality of execution within schedule and transfer of data and model for FM. All this made possible through the invaluable contribution of collaborative BIM-VDC methodology, the use of Lean Construction planning strategies and a motivated Project Team and Client. » ... Place des Canotiers, currently under construction, will be offered to the public in May 2017 - ... Sainte-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier School, a first class school ... Telus Place and Grande-Hermine School honored at the Durabilys Awards   Telus Place: ABCP architecture in collaboration with architect Claude Guy Grande-Hermine School : consortium ABCP architecture + Bisson et associés... Le Figaro has selected six places on earth where to recharge... the Augustinian Monastery is one of them ! « L'histoire remonte au début de la colonisation française en Amérique, il y a 377 ans, quand les Augustines de Dieppe vinrent ériger à Québec l'Hôtel-Dieu, le premier des 12 monastères-hopitaux qu'elles établiront dans la Belle Province. En septembre dernier, le Premier ministre du Québec rendait hommage au dévouement de ces sœurs qui par leur action jetèrent les bases du système de sant&ea... Videotron Centre honored at the Grands Prix du Design !   " On the site of the old hippodrome at 250-B du Boulevard Wilfrid-Hamel in Quebec City, stands the majestic new Videotron Centre. A veritable monument, this multi-functional arena will serve, among other things, as the home ice for a local hockey team, and was designed as a work of art to pay homage to the province’s capital city. Seen from the outside, the white, ovoid-shaped building echoes the surrounding winter landscape, sculpted by light, ice and snowdrifts. Its platform... The Augustinians of Quebec receive the Thomas-Baillairgé Award from the Order of Architects of Quebec « À travers ce prix, l’Ordre reconnaît que la congrégation fait don à la collectivité d’un patrimoine inestimable, qui témoigne d’un engagement de plus de 370 ans au sein de la communauté. Ce geste de mise en valeur est généreux, audacieux et visionnaire. Le résultat est d’ailleurs magnifique : moderne, épuré et poétique, tout en étant respectueux de l’histoire e... The Augustinian Monastery: a place to discover according to the New York Times "Sunday   10. Shouts and murmurs 11 a.m.  Start the day with a scream while whizzing down the toboggan slide, 200 feet high and 800 feet long, that runs along Terrasse Dufferin toward the magnificent castlelike Fairmont Le Château Frontenac hotel (3 dollars). Then follow the charming cobblestone lanes of Vieux-Québec to the peaceful Monastère des Augustines, a former monastery dating from the 17th century that served as one of the... Conference "Living the spirit of the place : the monastery revealed" Book your place now by clicking the link below.... Videotron Centre wins three Architecture Merits of Quebec City ! Congratulations to the project team for this exceptional project ! ... Quebec City Convention Center - Sector 3000 obtains LEED CI Gold certification ! Consortium ABCP architecture and LEMAYMICHAUD ... Le siège social de la Caisse Desjardins de Lévis remporte le prix d?excellence 2015 de l?Ordre des Architectes du Québec dans la catégorie "Bâtiments administratifs et commerciaux" ! Les Prix d’excellence en architecture (PEA) soulignent, depuis 1978, la contribution essentielle des architectes québécois au cadre bâti. Accordés par l’Ordre des architectes du Québec, ils permettent d’identifier et de mettre en valeur les meilleures réalisations architecturales réalisées au Québec et ailleurs dans le monde par les architectes d'ici. Les prix sont attribués tous les deux ans au... The Augustinian Monastery won an award of excellence of the Conseil du patrimoine religieux du Québec - ... ABCP architecture won 2 awards and a jury mention at the IDU Real Estate Awards of Excellence The Augustinian Monastery was selected as the best real estate project in the category Public service, and a honorable mention of the jury was given to the Videotron Centre for the project conception. The Soprema plant in Drumondville received the best project award in the Industrial category. Congratulations to everyone who participated in the realization of these projects ! The Real Estate wards of Excellence reward those who have contributed to the success of real estate projects in Q... ABCP architecture participates once again to the Park(ing) Day! Coming soon !   ... Inauguration of the Videotron Center ! ... Daoust Lestage + ABCP has been selected for the design of the Place des Canotiers Daoust Lestage + ABCP has been selected for the design of the Place des Canotiers, the future maritime gateway of Quebec city. The new waterfront public space will be completed in 2017. A construction budget of $ 30 million is planned for the integration of a multi-level parking and the development of a large open public space overlooking the St-Lawrence River.... TELUS Rimouski Data Centre achieves LEED Gold certification TELUS intelligent Internet data centre in Rimouski, Quebec has been awarded Gold certification in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDTM) from the Canada Green Building Council.  Opened in 2012, the data centre offers business cost-effective data management and cloud computing solutions that deliver the highest level of reliability, security and scalability. TELUS made a strategic decision to locate the centre in Rimouski due to the community’s skilled workforce and gr... TELUS Offices obtain LEED Silver Photo © Stéphane Groleau... The ABCP 2015 Urban Design Scholarship awarded to... The ABCP 2015 Urban Design Scholarship was awarded to Vincent Morissette, Maxime Rochette and Keven Ross, three students completing their Master of Urban Design at Laval University. Congratulations to the winning trio for daring to revisit three major public places in Quebec.   ... Le 300 St-Paul Place Telus obtient la certification BOMA BESt Nous sommes fiers d'annoncer que le 300 St-Paul Place Telus, bâtiment dont nous avons dirigé la conversion et abritant nos bureaux a obtenu la certification BOMA BESt.... ABCP participe au développement des terminaux de croisières du Port de Québec ABCP a accompagné le Port de Québec dans la planification de ses infrastructures de croisières. Le film ci-joint démontre tout le potentiel de cet important projet régional. ... ABCP selected to work with B+B on a multipurpose sports center in Lanaudière ABCP architecture has been chosen, as part of a consortium with B+B Architecture + Design, to design a multipurpose sports center in Lanaudière. The $13.5 million project commissioned by the Des Samares School Board aims to equip École Thérèse-Martin with new sports facilities, including an indoor soccer field.  We are proud to be working on our third stadium for soccer fans and players, a growing population in Quebec!... ABCP receives an honorable mention in the Paysages en dialogue design competition English version coming soon.... 300 St-Paul - Place TELUS receives a Quebec City architectural merit award Groupe MACH Inc., owner of the building, received a certificate of architectural merit from the City of Quebec yesterday for the conversion of the postal distribution building at 300 St-Paul into an extraordinary office space (LEED gold certified). Congratulations to the entire team! Design: ABCP architecture (in collaboration with Atelier Guy Architectes) Construction: Pomerleau Inc./Construction Michel Gagnon    ... Le Massif de Charlevoix forest-chalets win Nobilis award! Maison Laprise won a Nobilis award on Thursday for the construction of Le Massif de Charlevoix forest-chalets designed by ABCP architecture. Congratulations to the whole team!... Vision 2020 - Vivre au pied d'un géant English version coming soon.... ABCP remporte le prix du public au Park(ing) day ! English version coming soon.... Telus Stadium at Université Laval won the 2014 Cecobois award of excellence The Telus Stadium at Université Laval won the 2014 Cecobois award of excellence in the “Institutional Buildings over 1,000 m2” category. Here’s what the jury had to say about the project: “The TELUS Stadium, which is part of the major infrastructure project involving the expansion of the PEPS sports complex at Université Laval, cleverly integrates arches into its architecture. The exposed wood structure creates a warm, welcoming environment for users in add... Inauguration of the Jura Clock   The Jura Clock, the Swiss canton’s gift to Quebec City for its 400th anniversary, was unveiled on Friday, September 19. ABCP designed and coordinated the work to incorporate this unique clock into the gardens at Quebec City Hall.... ABCP wins the people?s choice award at Park(ing) day! For the second year in a row!   The Champ Libre installation attracted plenty of public attention on Rue St-Joseph on September 19, receiving the people’s choice award presented by Accès Transports Viables. Way to go, team!... Vision 2020 ? Living at the foot of a giant An article in SENS magazine on the Basecamp project at the foot of Le Massif de Charlevoix Le Massif de Charlevoix’s Vision 2020 was unveiled in Quebec City on Thursday, September 11, and will tour Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, and Boston over the next few days. For more information, visit the Real Estate section of Le Massif de Charlevoix’s website.... Dévoilement de l'offre de services et du site web transactionnel du Monastère des Augustines ! English version coming soon.... Deux projets d'ABCP en lice pour les prix d'excellence Cecobois ! English version coming soon.... ABCP réalisera la nouvelle usine de Soprema à Drummondville Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer que nous avons remporté au sein de l’équipe de Ronam Constructions l’appel de propositions pour la réalisation de la nouvelle usine de Soprema à Drummondville. En consortium avec Dominique Blais Architecte, ABCP réalisera les plans pour cette construction de 23.000 m2 située à l’intersection des autoroutes 20 et 55. Soprema, leader mondial dans les matériaux d’étanch&eac... - English version coming soon.... Entrevue de Vadim Siegel dans Wood Works ! Le Canadian Wood Council a publié une entrevue sur un acteur de la construction en bois dans chaque province. On vous invite à lire l’entrevue de Vadim Siegel.... Visitez le chantier de l'amphithéâtre depuis un drone ! Visitez le chantier de l'amphithéâtre depuis un drone !... . .... Le 300 St-Paul - Place Telus obtient la certification LEED CS Or Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer que le 300 St-Paul – Place Telus, a obtenu la certification LEED CS Or. Bravo à toute l’équipe de projet ! Nous sommes fiers du résultat pour ce bâtiment qui abrite notamment nos bureaux.... Michel Veilleux est nommé architecte associé ABCP architecture est fière d’annoncer la nomination de Michel Veilleux à titre d’architecte associé au sein de la firme. Collaborateur de longue date d’ABCP, Michel Veilleux mettra à profit 17 années d’expérience dans le milieu de l’architecture.  Michel Veilleux a pratiqué durant plusieurs années à Vancouver au sein de la firme HCMA spécialisée dans les projets d’envergure du ... Deux Mérites d?architecture pour le stade Telus Le stade Telus Université Laval a remporté hier soir deux Mérites d’architecture de la Ville de Québec. Le projet a en effet remporté le prix dans la catégorie édifices publics et institutionnels ainsi que le prix spécial du jury. Bravo à toute l’équipe qui a participé à ce projet ! Félicitations à tous les lauréats !  ... LUNIQUE remporte le prestigieux prix «Transformation» au gala de l?ACQ Les condos Lunique ont remporté le prestigieux prix Transformation dans la catégorie Condos neufs avec les plans de garantie ACQ, lors du 23e Gala Habitation, présenté le 26 octobre dernier à Québec. Le Gala Habitation souligne chaque année les meilleures constructions de qualité au Québec. Inspectés et évalués par un panel d’experts en construction, les condos Lunique se sont dé... Le Stade Telus - Université Laval est en nomination aux Mérites d'architecture de la Ville de Québec Le Stade Telus - Université Laval est en nomination dans la catégorie du prix du public aux Mérites d'architecture de la Ville de Québec. Vous avez jusqu’au 10 novembre à minuit pour voter.... Conférence de Dany Blackburn et François Moreau le mardi 15 octobre 2013 au Centre Canadien d'Architecture Le 300 St-Paul à Québec, un ancien centre de tri postal requalifié visant une certification LEED Argent, sera le bâtiment en vedette lors du prochain Mardi vert le 15 octobre prochain au CCA. Ce projet réalisé par ABCP avec la collaboration de Guy architecte abrite le siège social de Telus ainsi que celui d'ABCP. Conférenciers : les architectes Dany Blackburn et François Moreau, d'ABCP. C'est gratuit, inscrivez-vous : http://www.oa... Votez pour notre "Trappe" ! Notre trappe à souris géante s’est mérité le prix du jury volet corporatif pour l’originalité de l’œuvre et la durabilité / réutilisation de celle-ci ainsi que le prix du public volet corporatif. Notre installation pour le PARK(ing) DAY est maintenant en lice pour le prix du public à l’échelle PROVINCIALE! Vous pouvez voter en cliquant « J’aime » sur la tr... ABCP participe au PARK(ing) DAY de Québec vendredi 20 septembre ABCP participe au PARK(ing) DAY de Québec. Nous vous invitons à venir voir notre installation entre 16h et 20h ce vendredi 20 septembre. Rendez-vous sur la rue Saint-Jean proche du coin de la rue des Zouaves (un peu plus haut que J.A. Moisan). On compte sur votre présence et sur votre vote ! Prenez garde à « l’attrape»…... Bernard Serge Gagné dévoile le projet du monastère des Augustines Lors d’une conférence de presse tenue le lundi 19 août, Bernard Serge Gagné architecte associé d'ABCP a dévoilé le concept d’insertion architecturale du hall d’entrée et de la réserve muséale du Monastère des Augustines qui sera réhabilité. Le projet de 36 millions $ prévoit l'ouverture au public en mai 2015 d'un musée, une hôtellerie et son centre de ressourcement ainsi qu'un... François Moreau architecte président d?honneur du cocktail bénéfice d?Équiterre Le 5 novembre 2013, François Moreau architecte, PDG d’ABCP architecture, présidera le cocktail-bénéfice d’Équiterre à Québec. Nous vous invitons en grand nombre à participer à cet événement festif qui appui un organisme partageant les mêmes valeurs que ABCP. Les travaux d'agrandissement du PEPS sont complétés ! Une cérémonie soulignant la fin des travaux a eu lieu ce matin. La qualité du projet et les coûts en dessous du budget ont été soulignés par les différents dignitaires. Toute l’équipe est fière d’avoir participé à ce projet majeur pour la région de Québec. Un prix pour le stade TELUS Université Laval! Le stade Telus Université Laval remporte un prix de l'AERMQ. Ce concours vise à reconnaître les projets de revêtement métallique qui se distinguent autant par leur qualité architecturale que par la qualité de l'exécution des travaux, l'AERMQ tient à chaque année le Concours de Design utilisant le revêtement métallique. Ce concours s'adresse particulièrement aux membres de l'Ordre des architecte... L'OBJET at the MCQ - april 5th, 18:30 pm English version coming soon.... ABCP architecture conference English version coming soon.... Mérite architectural pour le centre de données de Telus ? Rimouski ! Le centre de données Internet intelligent de TELUS est lauréat lors des prix rimouskois du mérite architectural. Ce bâtiment de 65 M$ conçu par ABCP s'est distingué dans la catégorie bâtiment commercial, industriel ou institutionnel. "Le concours annuel Les Prix rimouskois du mérite architectural se veut une reconnaissance des réalisations exemplaires dans les domaines de la construction de nouveaux bâtimen... English version coming soon. English version coming soon.... ABCP reçoit le mérite commercial Desjardins ABCP remporte le mérite commercial Desjardins. Suivez nous dans les médias de la Capitale durant les mois de janvier et février ! Bravo à toute l'équipe pour cette reconnaissance ! «Ce prestigieux concours vise à souligner le dynamisme économique des régions de la Capitale-Nationale, du Kamouraska et de la Chaudière-Appalaches en reconnaissant le succès des entreprises qui y excellent et qui se démarquent dans le... ABCP architecture, visionary company of the year ! English version coming soon.... The Soccer Complex Chauveau receives LEED NC Silver A premiere for a building owned by Quebec City. This is also the first sports center to receive such certification in Quebec province. Congratulations to the entire team !... ABCP is among the three finalists in the Visionary Company of the Year category, for the Vision Award of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Quebec ! English version coming soon.... Watch the last video for the new Quebec amphitheatre project ! Click here !... Nordic Structures, in collaboration with ABCP and Douglas consultants, has won a 2012 CONTECH Award - Innovation and Distinction in Sustainable Development ! Nordic Structures Bois, in collaboration with ABCP architecture and Douglas consultants Ingénierie de Structure, has won a 2012 Contech Award - Innovation and Distinction in durable development, in the category housing - novative practices, for the project Condominiums Chibougamau.... ABCP has won an 2012 Excellence Award from The Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC) for the new pedestrian bridge of Cap-Rouge ! English version coming soon....